Indoor plants not only look good but there are many indoor plants that cleanse the air.
Check out 9 other indoor plants for air purification.
The houseplants on the bedside table look so authentic and lively.
Here are some no-fuss houseplants which will add color to your room and can stay in low sunlight and low maintenance.
Pothos do not require any direct sunlight and are great for cleansing air.
An indoor plant that you must consider keeping in the home whether a bedroom or living room.
Pothos plant does not require moist soil every time so it is better to let the soil dry sometimes.
Peace lilies need to be watered 2-3 times a week and can grow in low lighting.
You can keep in bright sunlight but no need for direct rays.
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This is a beautiful plant to keep in the bedroom.
Spider plants are also good to keep in bathrooms as it requires a humid condition.
Water only once a week.
Spider plant purifies the air and is one of the easiest plants to maintain indoors.
Rubber plants can grow very tall if given a wide container.
Keep the rubber plant in the indirect sun.
If you over water then rubber plant leaves will turn yellow.
ZZ plants have dark green leaves that are attractive and drought tolerant and fine in low light conditions.
So ideal for an indoor plant.
But, the ZZ plant is toxic to pets. So never keep it if having pets in the house.
ZZ plants can cause eye irritation if in direct contact and can cause vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.
The bamboo palm plant is an excellent air purifying capacity.
Keeping it in the bedroom will improve air quality.
Never over water but keep the soil moist.
It prefers part sun and part shade. So can easily thrive on the bedside table.
Terra cotta pots are best to grow lavenders.
Lavender requires sunlight and could be easily grown in small pots.
Lovely violet flowers enhance the aesthetic beauty of your room.
Lavender does not require much water so allow the soil to dry out in a week’s time.
Adequate water and sufficient drainage are ideal for gardenia to grow.
Plant it where it can have the morning sun.
It has got some beautiful fragrant white flowers.
Keep the soil damp but not soggy.
Aloe vera easily tolerates some filtered midday sun or light shade.
So if your bedroom allows rays of sunlight then you can keep this plant in the bedroom.
Aloe vera leaves juices needless to say have so much of medicinal uses.
From skincare to treating burns. You can use the aloe vera fresh gel.
Aloe vera plants even thrive in infrequent watering.
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My Take on Bedroom Plants
Indoor plants are the cheapest way for any interior decoration.
The bedroom looks lively and fresh even by adding a single houseplant in a beautiful planter.
The low sunlight and less care are not a hindrance to these lovely houseplants.
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