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11 Fruits can you Eat Safely in a Ketogenic Diet


What fruits can you eat on keto?

Lemme start with a disclaimer.

I am no nutritionist. I just love the ketogenic diet. So, for the keto fruit diet, whatever I am stating is purely based on the research I have done.

When I started with the keto diet I was surprised that so many fruits are being taken out of the list. I really could not understand, why?

I am a fruit lover and relish just any kind of fruits. So it was hard for me to omit a certain bunch.

I love oranges and watermelons so I know how hard it was for me to give it up.



Fruits are definitely good while you are on a regular diet for nutritional values.

But many fruits contain fructose in high amount and Fructose is a BIG NO for keto.

The high fructose level in fruits gets metabolized in the liver which in turn turns into fat. This fat deposits around the abdomen (which is really hard to get off).

So the fruits which contain a high amount of fructose or sucrose leads to high carb diet and hence omitted from the keto list.



So check out the low carb good keto fruits which you can happily gulp down while in a keto diet.



Blackberries are reasonably low in carbohydrates. It contains only 4.9 grams of carbs per 100 gms.

It is one of the popular fruit that is keto-approved.

Not only it is tasty but I like the blackberries more for its medicinal values.

Blackberries lower the blood glucose level and hence leads to a better cholesterol profile. It also provides antimicrobial and antidiabetic effects.

Blackberries also reduce inflammation. This is where your stomach and waist starts to shrink ( Keto effect 🙂 ) So, happily include it in a keto diet.



keto fruit list

I love this fruit.

Really delicious and full of nutrients. And what I like most about it is, instead of being sweet and juicy, this fruit is quite low in carbs.

The loveliest part of strawberries is that I can make several keto desserts with it. Especially strawberry dipped in chocolate. Just too yummy for a keto diet.

You know, strawberries even protect our health with the bio-active compounds. It also improves our blood sugar levels.

Strawberry contains only 5.7 grams of carb per 100 gm.



keto fruit list

Should I start with its carb content? It’s only 1.8 grams of carbs for per 100 gm of avocado.

This is one of the amazing low carb fruits.

It is so delicious and can be combined with any type of keto salads.

It provides with many essential fats that are just perfect for a keto diet.

This fruit also comes with a large number of vitamins and minerals and improves our cardiovascular health.



keto fruit list

Have you checked the keto recipes? You will find coconut in ample recipes. Whether its coconut milk or coconut creamed bars. Oh, I just love these bars. In fact, I like almost all the keto desserts.

There are other coconut items too like:

  • Coconut chips
  • Coconut oil
  • Coconut butter

They are very useful in making low carb snacks as they themselves contain only 6.25 carbs per 100 gm.

Coconut contains a fairly large amount of medium chain triglycerides which are used by the body to produce instant energy.



keto fruit list

Can you believe it that olives have only 1 gm of carbs for per 100 gm?

Yes, olive is one of the best low carb fruits available.

Not only it contains a high amount of good fat (You know how much fat is necessary for keto diet) but it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

I love to put a good amount of olive pieces on my keto pizza.

Oh forgot to add that olives improve our bone health too. Yes, it is a win-win from every angle.



keto fruit list

Lemons are just so common to use in any of the dishes. Not only it brings the tangy taste but lemons are loaded with hell amount of benefits too.

  • Lemon water helps to be in ketosis. It is very easy to make.
  • Lemon suppresses body fat accumulation.
  • Lemon contains a good amount of Vitamin C just like any other citrus food.

100 gms of lemon gives only 6 gm of carbs.



keto fruit list

This tasty fruit has the highest amount of antioxidants and serves 5.4 grams of carbs per 100 gm of it.

I love to mix the raspberries with some buttercream. It tastes amazing and serves as a quick keto dessert.



keto fruit list

This is a keto fruit which can be a bit tough to consume raw. It is sour.

So you can half dry it in the sun with sprinkles of salt over it.

But the benefits are innumerable.

Gooseberries are well known for their positive effect on skin and hair.

It also contains anticancer properties.

I can tell you about the endless benefits of this fruit but when it comes to keto then it is carb and sugar content that matters.

Gooseberries serve 5.9 grams of carbs per 100 gm. Quite reasonable.



Tomatoes and fruits? Well yes, it is.

Now tomato is a fruit which you can put in any recipes to bring the tangy taste. So when you are mixing it with other vegetables then our mind holds a perception that tomato is also a vegetable.

Even the tomato sauces are widely used.

Tomatoes also contain micronutrients and vitamins which improve our health condition.

It serves only 2.7 grams of carbs per 100 gm of it.



Starfruit is a delicious tropical fruit which is rich in vitamin C.

I love its crunchy yet juicy pulp.

It also carries a small amount of minerals and electrolytes. And yes starfruit is rich in antioxidants too.

It serves 4.2 of net carbs per 100 g



Lime and lemon are often confused with each other.

The difference between them is that lime has a higher concentration of vitamin C and other antioxidants.

It provides a net carb of 8.2 g per 100 g.

Though the carb content is a bit higher, limes keep your arteries cleaner and thus aids in better blood flow.



While on a keto diet you have to give up many foods but not these juicy keto low carb fruits. Just keep a track of the amount you are engulfing.



11 Keto recipes for beginners

15 Keto snacks to grab on the go

19 Keto Vegetables to check 


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Mary Dillon

Saturday 30th of May 2020

Great information! My husband and I have been following a keto diet for the past 6 months and it has helped a number of medical issues I deal with (lymphedema, whole body osteoarthritis, degenerative back issues). A friend gave us a bunch of gooseberries and I was looking for some keto info/recipes to use with them. Thank you for listing the net carbs. It is amazing to see how things change when using net carbs. I and still looking for some good keto gooseberry recipes if you have any to share.


Wednesday 9th of January 2019

9 grams of carbs in 100 grams avocado not the ridiculously low 1.9 you stated. Curious why you choose to present carbs as Net or Total? Why not both? Does your information come from the USDA Nutrition Database?


Wednesday 9th of January 2019

Hi Allison, I generally check in 'recipe nutrition analyzer'. Avocado contains a lot of fibers (7g), which makes it a net carb of less than 2 g.

Deb Stacco

Monday 3rd of December 2018

Can I eat Clementine s on Keto?


Thursday 6th of December 2018

No I would not consider it


Friday 7th of September 2018

What’s the evidence-base? This doesn’t even make sense.

Lindsay Fortman, MS, RD, CDE


Friday 7th of September 2018

The list is made according to the carb content


Monday 23rd of July 2018

Hi, just curious as to why blueberries aren’t on there list. I read they are pretty low on the carb and sugar list, as well as have lots of antioxidants


Monday 23rd of July 2018

Hi Aw, 100 gms of blueberries contains 12 gms of carbs approx. So I have excluded it from my list.

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