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15 Best Bullet Journal Page Ideas


Bullet journaling is a great method of organization and there are countless ways to use it. 

One of the most popular ways to stay organized in a productive way is through a planner or journal. With so many options out there, it can be hard to find which one works for you. One option that has been growing in popularity is bullet journals.

One of the greatest things about bullet journaling is that it lets you express yourself in any way you want. It allows for creativity and freedom to explore your ideas, thoughts, and feelings. One great way to do this is through creative page layouts. Page layout is a creative outlet for showing off what matters most to you within your bujo! 

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15 Bullet Journal Page Ideas

1. Daily log:

A daily log has many benefits, one of which is that you can see your progress over time and discover how much (or little) you accomplished during any given period.

This kind of reflection is useful for both understanding yourself better and improving future productivity.

It’s also helpful to take note of what worked well and what didn’t work as well — this way we can learn from our mistakes as well as our successes.

You can even try color-coding certain tasks/goals to differentiate between those that were achieved vs those that weren’t!


2. Monthly calendar:

A monthly view of your tasks and goals is helpful for understanding where there may be gaps in your schedule or areas that could use future planning. Plus, it’s just nice to have a bird’ eye view of what you’ve accomplished each month.

It can also motivate you to see how much you’ve done and give yourself credit for all your hard work!


3. Weekly log:

A weekly log helps answer the question “What did I accomplish this week?”

Keeping track of our weekly accomplishments gives us a sense of pride in our work and keeps us motivated towards reaching our long-term goals.

Just like with daily logs, it’s important to reflect on what worked well and what didn’t — this will help us improve our process in the future.


4. Monthly goals:

An effective way to get productive.

While daily goals are like to-do tasks and monthly goals should be the summary of where the daily goals are leading to.


5. Monthly tasks/to-do list:

There’s a lot of value in seeing a big list of all your tasks and being able to check them off as you go. Not only does it make us feel accomplished but seeing all our tasks in one place also reminds us of the many things we have on our plate to complete. It’s helpful for making sure nothing falls through the cracks! This kind of list can be really simple – just a bulleted list with no extra details.


6. Annual Goals:

When it comes to setting long-term goals, there’s a lot of trial and error involved in finding what actually works for us.

The most important thing is to find a system that works for you — whether that means fancy goal setting/dream boards or something simpler like a bulleted list.

So try out several methods and stick with whatever is best for you!

Similar to monthly goals, you can make your annual goals just like a vision board but in a journaling format.


7. Habit tracking:

Tracking our habits has been shown to increase the likelihood of achieving them by anywhere from 50-200 %!

Bullet journaling can be really helpful for this because we have so much flexibility about how we track our habits (e.g., checklists, stars, stickers, symbols).


8. Monthly log of errands:

Keeping track of errands (and their frequency) can help us figure out how much time each takes and if there are any patterns surrounding them.

For example, we might find that our grocery shopping always takes about 30 minutes to complete when we go on Saturday mornings before 11 AM.

Or that the wait at the post office is definitely too long during lunch hour!

Tracking our errands will let us see all this information in one place so we know what to expect when running these errands in the future.


9. Monthly budget:

Tracking your expenses each month is an easy way to stay on top of your spending and see if there are any patterns that could indicate problems.

If we don’t track our spending, it’s very difficult to tell where money is going and identify whether or not we’re overspending in certain areas (e.g., food, entertainment). 


10. Monthly food log:

Tracking our monthly food expenses as well as what we’re eating for each meal makes it easy to see where our money is going and whether or not we’re sticking to our healthy eating goals!

Keeping a food log can also highlight trends we might not have otherwise noticed — like maybe we never eat out on Mondays due to the fact that we’d rather stay home and relax after a long work week. It’s totally okay if you don’t want to track everything you eat every day/every week — instead, try doing it once per month and then looking for trends throughout the month. 


11. Monthly spending log:

Creating a monthly spending log helps us see where our money is going and what expenses we could stand to cut back on.

This is especially helpful for those of us who tend to spend impulsively or without thinking about what we’re purchasing! A lot of times, purchases that seem small at the time can add up over time if we’re not careful — so it’s important to keep track of those as well as larger/less frequent expenses

Although not every bullet journal needs a monthly spending log, I think they can definitely be really helpful even for those on a tight budget!


12. Monthly tracking of income:

Keeping track of how much we earn each month can help us determine if our expenses are within the range of what we earn each month, which in turn helps us see where we might need to adjust.

Do you spend more than you earn every month? Are there certain months in which your earnings fluctuate due to time off work, bonus pay, etc.?

Tracking this information is a great way for us to get perspective on whether or not our monthly income is sufficient.


13. Monthly tracking of savings/debt reduction:

Similar to the point above, monthly tracking of savings and debt reduction can be helpful for making sure all our hard-earned money doesn’t slip through the cracks!

Tracking how much money goes towards these areas can make it easier for us to stay motivated because it’s an easy way to see how we’re progressing towards our short and long-term goals.


14. Monthly tracking of expenses:

Although it sounds like it can be repetitive, this kind of monthly expense tracking is different from the one mentioned above in that it’s done at a much more high-level (e.g., business name vs. category).

We often get bogged down when we start thinking about all the things we purchased during the past month — it feels like such a huge number!

But when we step back and look at what we purchased by broad category (e.g., groceries), it doesn’t seem so bad after all! Tracking expenses at a high level helps us stay organized while also allowing us to see where our money is going.


15. Monthly budgeting:

Some people prefer to budget once per month, while others will do it weekly or twice per month.

I think it’s totally fine if you don’t want to stick to a monthly schedule — personally, I tend to adjust my budgets based on how much money I have coming in during the given time period.

For example, when there are only two paydays in a given month, I might choose not to do too many months ahead of time because that means each paycheck will be smaller by default (which can make budgeting more challenging).

However, if you’re paid every other week and your amounts remain consistent throughout the year (e.g., $1000 then you’d probably find greater success in setting a monthly budget and sticking to it.


My Take on Bullet Journal Page Ideas

What are you waiting for? Get started on your new bullet journal page today!

Bullet journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts and tasks. 

I hope you found some inspiration for your next bullet journal page. You can use these ideas to keep track of all the things in life that are important to you, make a list of goals and aspirations, or just provide an outlet for creativity!

This is a simple yet powerful tool.

Love journaling? Check out this beautiful journal set from Amazon.


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Bullet Journal Page Ideas

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