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49 Best Indoor Plants that are not Succulents


The best indoor plants won’t take up a lot of space.

The best indoor plants can even work with minimal sunlight and less care.

There are a number of low-light indoor plants or plants that will happily thrive on the window sill.

Kitchen window sills are a great place for perennial herbs to grow. The tiny herb garden is a must-have for gardening beginners.

Not only the herb plants are easy to maintain but they propagate easily too.

So as a beginner in indoor gardening, it will keep you excited about the fresh herbs you are gonna reap.

You can even start with the elegant plants that grow in water vessels.

Yes, you heard it right.

The soilless gardening in clear water vessels. Looks lovely and no fuss about using fertilizers here 🙂

Now happily choose your best indoor plants to start with and make your space and home look beautiful adding life to it.

Remove the toxins and breathe fresh air indoors.

indoor plants to grow


Best Indoor Plants: Air Purifying Houseplants

areca palm indoor plants to grow


I should definitely start with the list of the best indoor plants to purify our room.

Choose the right air purifying plant that removes toxins and gives us fresh air to breathe.

I love these plants for their beauty and the freshness they provide.

If you want to take your home decor to the next level, then surely add a bookshelf with your favorite books, and adding an indoor plant to it makes all the difference.

So here go 15 indoor plants that are great air purifiers:

  1. Peace Lily
  2. Boston Fern
  3. Bamboo Fern
  4. Areca Palm
  5. Rubber Plant
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Jade Plant
  8. Money Plant
  9. Flamingo Lily
  10. Pothos
  11. Snake Plant
  12. Weeping Fig
  13. Spider Plant
  14. Dracaena
  15. Chinese Evergreen

NASA’s clean air study found that the dust and germs that are found in household products and furniture, those airborne toxins could be diminished by a number of houseplants.

Check out the details of 9 air-purifying houseplants to keep at home.


Best Indoor Plants: Low Light Houseplants

peace lily indoor plants to grow


If we are speaking about indoor plants then low-light houseplants will surely be a hot topic.

The low-light houseplants are generally indoor plants that could be maintained easily without much fuss.

Keep it in a shady corner of your living room or a bright spot in your bedroom.

Some of the low-light indoor plants can even survive happily with artificial lighting.

While some may require indirect sunlight.

Here are 10 low-light houseplants that you can keep:

  1. Bromeliads
  2. Spider Plant
  3. Begonia
  4. Weeping Fig
  5. Peace Lily
  6. Watermelon peperomia
  7. ZZ Plant
  8. Dracaena
  9. Snake Plant
  10. Money Plant

The detailed post about the 9 low-light indoor plants you should know.


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Best Indoor Plants: Top Indoor Hanging Plants

indoor hanging plant

The hanging plants are a fresh approach to our living well.

The vines or flower foliage look lovely kept in the porch area or in the living room.

I love the trailing Ivy plants or the string of pearls to add elegance and a fresh garden look inside the room.

Here is a list of 7 indoor hanging plants that actually look good in hanging planters.

  1. String of Pearls
  2. Devil’s Ivy
  3. Boston Fern
  4. Green Ivy
  5. Burros Tail
  6. Morning Glory
  7. Asparagus Fern

You should also be careful about the hanging planters you are using. Here go the detailed post on indoor hanging plants and ways to maintain them.


Best Indoor Plants: Bedroom Plants

lavender indoor plants to grow


Some bedroom plants aid us to sleep better while some provide enough supply of oxygen.

Bedroom plants are not only for decor but for our better physical wellness too.

Bedroom plants set our mental health right, enhance energy, and yes bring calmness around us for sure.

Some bedroom plants work as anti-depressants too. Isn’t this a sure-shot point to keep bedroom plants?

Here are 9 bedroom plants that you can consider.

  1. Pothos
  2. Lavender
  3. Lucky Bamboo
  4. Peace Lily
  5. Spider Plant
  6. Rubber Plant
  7. Gardenia
  8. Aloe vera
  9. ZZ Plant

Be picky while choosing your bedroom plant as mostly our bedrooms are not well-lit areas except for a few window sills.

Check out the details of the 9 bedroom plants that you can choose from and the care you need to take.


Best Indoor Plants: Bathroom Plants

golden pothos indoor plants to grow


Ever thought of placing a bathroom plant?

Living plants make the bathroom space so wonderful.

Well, there are a variety of plants that absorbs moisture and loves to stay in humidity which makes them perfect for being called bathroom plants.

Bathroom plants improve the decor and the air quality too.

Low light and high humidity are definitely the points to consider while choosing bathroom plants.

Here are 9 bathroom plants to check for.

  1. Orchid
  2. Golden Pothos
  3. Neon Pothos
  4. Spider Plants
  5. Peperomia
  6. Boston Fern
  7. Mother-in-law’s tongue
  8. Aloe Vera
  9. Dracaena

Improve your bathroom decor and choose your bathroom plants well from the 9 bathroom plants to keep. Check out the care and maintenance too.


Best Indoor Plants: Indoor Plants that grow in Water

bamboo plant indoor plants to grow


I really cannot get over the indoor plants that can grow in water.

They are so elegant to look at and so mess-free as they grow in water without the usage of any soil.

Most of the perennial herbs could be grown in water. You now know where to get a fresh supply of herbs for your kitchen.

The beautiful begonia plant could also be grown in a water vessel.

Here are 12 plants to grow in water:

  1. Lucky bamboo
  2. Mint Herb
  3. Basil
  4. Pothos
  5. Rosemary
  6. Peace Lily
  7. Coleus Plant
  8. Lemon Plant
  9. Spider Plant
  10. Begonia
  11. Paper White
  12. Celery

The great part of indoor plants growing in water is you do not need to add fertilizer for the soil, nor do you have to water them :).

But, ya definitely there are some ways to care for them too.

Check out here the 12 great indoor plants to grow in the water and the care you need.


Best Indoor Plants: The Indoor Herb Garden

mint indoor plants to grow


I should have actually started stating this tiny indoor herb garden that you can grow in your kitchen or any window sill.

The indoor herbs are pretty easy to propagate and you can definitely choose these indoor herb plants as a beginner.

Make your own tiny organic indoor herb garden that can be grown easily.

Choose from 10 herbs:

  1. Oregano
  2. Cilantro
  3. Thyme
  4. Parsley
  5. Mint
  6. Dill
  7. Lemon Grass
  8. Rosemary
  9. Basil
  10. Chives

Check out the soil and type of containers to use for these herbs to grow from your indoor herb garden.



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My Take on Best Indoor Plants

The indoor plants look lovely. Whether you keep it in your bedroom or the living room.

If you have not yet started gardening then you start it right now.

Gardening is the most relaxing thing that will energize you in the long run.

Start it from your home.

Do not have to worry if you lack gardening space. Start with a few indoor plants and even can go soilless as mentioned in plants to grow in water.

Plants around you will keep you calm and content.


Related Gardening:

Best Indoor Plants

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